BET_ Building Europe Together
An iconic skyscraper strategically located on the island of Lampedusa, one of the European coastal landing spots closest to the African coasts. Stationed between earth and sea, conceptually and physically bridging them across the cliffs, the skyscraper will appear as the first signal of hope for those trying to reach the coast. A translucent skin covers the main volume like a drape. The drape opens up towards the sea in a symbolic welcoming gesture resembling an open gate towards Europe. This building might also be considered as a contemporary lighthouse, where the light that pierces through the drape opening can be seen from the distance and becomes a reference for those trying to approach it. The interior spaces of the tower will be organized in a way to facilitate : 1- the rescue of refugees approaching the coast 2 - their stay, during which the immigrants will experience a path of social and working integration into the European community (Central Area, where every country has several dedicated floors with specific activities, classrooms and common areas where to provide the immigrant with a cultural introduction and prepare him for jobs he might decide to apply for when leaving the tower) ; 3 - Inclusion and sense of community.
With Stefano Bastia, Eurind Caka and Giovanni Checchia.
Mixed Use
Lampedusa, Italy